Rule 15

Acquiring Right of Way


When a boat acquires right of way, she shall initially give the other boat room to keep clear, unless she acquires right of way because of the other boat’s actions. 


Remember that you are under no obligation to anticipate that a boat will acquire right-of-way over you.

In other words, you do not need to start keeping clear until the other boat actually has right-of-way.

Relevant Definitions

Keep Clear

A boat keeps clear of a right-of-way boat

(a) if the right-of-way boat can sail her course with no need to take avoiding action and, 

(b) when the boats are overlapped, if the right-of-way boat can also change course in both directions without immediately making contact. 


The space a boat needs in the existing conditions, including space to comply with her obligations under the rules of Part 2 and rule 31, while maneuvering promptly in a seamanlike way. 


Yellow, establishing a Leeward Overlap with Blue

In Position...

However, in Position 2, Blue cannot change course without making contact with Yellow, meaning that Blue does not have the room to keep clear.

Yellow, having just acquired right-of-way, is obligated to initially give Blue room to keep clear. In this example, Yellow has not done so, and has broken Rule 15.

Yellow, tacking close to Blue

In Position...

However, in Position 3, contact is imminent, and there is nowhere for Blue to go.

Yellow, having just acquired right-of-way, is obligated to initially give Blue room to keep clear. In this example, Yellow has not done so, and has broken Rule 15.

Blue, tacking close to Yellow

In Position...

But... in Position 3, contact is imminent and there is nowhere for Blue to go.

Yellow has just acquired right-of-way, is she obligated to initially give Blue room to keep clear?

No, because Yellow acquired right-of-way as a result of the other boat's actions.

In this case, Blue has simply broken Rule 10.